Error Codes

When a request to an endpoint fails, an HTTP status is returned. For all HTTP methods (except DELETE) a list of errors is returned in the body.

400 Bad Request

HTTP Status: 400

Description: Bad requests are usually caused by invalid JSON in the request or by URL reserved characters not being encoded (ex: filter=statistics.clicks:[1 TO *] need to be sent as filter%3Dstatistics.clicks%3A%5B1%20TO%20*%5D.

401 Unauthorized

HTTP Status : 401

Description: Error 401 will be returned if the OAuth 2.0 token is not provided in the request or is invalid. Refer to Getting Started for an explanation of how the Acquisio APIs are secured.

403 Forbidden

HTTP Status : 403

Description: Error 403 will be returned if the access to a resource is forbidden or if the Client Application is not allowed to use the API.

404 Not Found

HTTP Status: 404

Description: The URL refers to a resource that does not exists.

Common causes of a 404 error:

422 Unprocessable Entity

Http Status: 422

Description: Unprocessable entity is caused by validation errors that prevent the request from being completed. Example: the name of the account is too long.

429 Too Many Requests

HTTP Status: 429

Description: The client application is throttled because the maximum number of requests within a time period has been reached.

500 Internal Server Error

HTTP Status: 500

Description: A unexpected error happened that caused the request to fail.

503 Service Unavailable

HTTP Status: 503

Description: The API is temporarily unavailable.

Warning: When the status code is 503, the response body might not be the regular JSON error payload. An HTML page with the content-type “text/html” might also be returned instead.